She attented her grading a couple of months ago and this is her receiving her orange belt.
Just prior to this she attended the Regional Finals and attempted Saifa (a green belt kata 3 grades above her as a yellow belt) - she came away with the GOLD medal and it gave her the confidence to enter the National Finals.

And so the day of the National came, I couldn't be there as Sheffield was a long shot at 6am with the other kids, so her Dad took her and he entered also.
Shortly after lunch my phone rings and I see it's her. I thought this was my chance to once again wish her luck now that she was there and settled.
"I did it Mum - I'm a UK Champion now" came the response to my answering the phone.
"I got the GOLD"
"I got the GOLD"
'Proud' does not go even half way to describe how I felt and still feel. HonieMummy was overwhelmed and the wet stuff visible.
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Time Out for Mums Blog:
HonieMummy Blog: